Last Updated on July 9, 2010 by James Dziezynski

The Iowa state highpoint looks like it died on the Oregon Trail.
Wanted: Adventure seekers willing to endure the bone-splittingly boring drive through the mid-west on a quest to ascend to the dizzying farmland heights of the Bible Belt’s highest ground. Thrill as you gather in the flat, bucolic views of Iowa! Pound the ‘Mound in Illinois! Marvel as the high altitude cows of Wisconsin moo their haunting and menacing melodies as you reach the lofty reaches of Timm’s Hill! And more!
The 2010 Farmaggedon Tour brings you to Iowa, Illinois, Michagan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota — that’s 6, count ’em 6 — state highpoints! Launching in the autumn of 2010, we hope you bring lots of good audio books!
If you sign up, you will be treated to lengthy discussions on who the best Smurfs were and hours of They Might Be Giants tunes! You will also be responsible for making the trip somewhat more enticing by researching worthy stops along the way such as Carthage, Iowa (death place of Joseph Smith, the wife-living founder of Mormonism) and the biggest ball of twine in Minnesota! And, if our vehicle gets stolen on a Indian Reservation, you may find yourself married to me if we need to buy a deck of cards!
But that’s not all! You’ll also earn an honorary induction to the Mega Extreme Outdoors Wondergroup (MEOW) and the glory of knowing that you’ve stood on the farmiest highpoints in the country. What are you waiting for, join now! (Please! This is going to be a REALLY boring trip if I go solo!)