Last Updated on July 17, 2013 by James Dziezynski

A little fresh air, a new path and you’re good to go! (A border collie is a good idea too).
Part of this new outlet has to do with the fact that as a professional writer, you get used to writing within the confines of a given assignment. It’s nice to have a place where you can stretch your legs, so to speak, and write some essays for the sheer joy of it. Some of the new material will be adventurous, some of it will be philosophic or maybe just plain silly. But it should all be enjoyable reading so feel free to check in from time to time (or go ahead and check my twitter feed or facebook page for updates).
In a few days, I’m off to Saskatchewan to track wolves in the wild via dogsled. I’m looking forward not only to the adventure but being in a place I’ve never really explored, a place very few people know much about (including myself). When I think of the middle of Canada in the dead of winter, I’m reminded of losing fingers to frostbite. BUT… there’s a great chance to see the northern lights and as a wilderness junkie, I’m eager to be in the borreal forest during the darkest time of year.
So cheers to new adventures and new outlets for 2013! It’s going to be a great trip around the sun!