Last Updated on July 17, 2013 by James Dziezynski

Hanging with one of the amazing sled dogs on our team. Photo by Bart Deferme.
I’m midway through my winter adventure in Saskatchewan. Along with photographer Bart Deferme, I’ve been fortunate to plunge into this wild, wonderful landscape in the southern boreal forest in the heart of Canada. I was intrigued because I knew little about central Canada and while I expected it to be up my alley for adventure, it’s been even better than I hoped.
It’s a quiet place and the stillness is reinforced by the biting chill (average temp has been around minus 25° F) but oh so lovely. There’s been little wind, which could easily change the equation into something more miserable. Toughness is required as is a positive attitude, but imagine if you will the magical moment when you are crossing a hard-frozen lake by dogsled, framed by stout spruce trees under an electric blue sky. Serenity has a way of overwhelming the cold — at least in small doses.
We’ve gotten to track elk and wolves under a blazing moon along with our overnight dogsled adventure. There’s one more day of wild animal watching then all too soon, it’s back to balmy Colorado, with it’s high 50s temps.
I’ll be writing up more details soon but had to share the giddiness and glee of traveling to such an amazing place. It reminds me why I love to travel off the beaten path and how important it is to take the time to glimpse into some of the truly more wild places on planet earth!